Tuesday, January 20, 2009

First day of class or Obama?

So you would think that the first day of classes would be the topic of conversation amongst the students, but alas, it is not. I am sitting in the Plenary Room with 100 students, faculty members, and administrators watching President Obama give his speech. Have to say that I will remember this afternoon for the rest of my life and could not imagine being in another place than right here with my fellow students sharing in this historical event.

Professor Housch even ended our Economics class a little early so that we could see the Inaugural Address. It is nice to know that our professors realize the impact of this event and gave us the opportunity to see it.

I hope wherever you are you realize what is transpiring. Have a great day. Now I will get Ms. Maier a tissue.


At Tue Feb 03, 10:30:00 PM CST, Blogger Amy the Green said...

I love the shout out. I cried, so what- Aretha's hat was amazing.


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