Halloween is fun for kids of all ages. Below are a couple of pictures of trick-or-treaters within the CBPM family.
Here are the Roses: Greg (1st year), Heidi (Greg's wife, which should be self-explanatory), Jackson (2 1/2 years), and Bennett (4 months). Let me know if you find Greg and Heidi. Jackson was apparently pulled right out of Mary Poppins and Bennett is fitting right in with the Wisconsin culture.

Here is Chrissy and Terry Goins' (2nd year) one-year-old son Adam. Last year he was courteous enough to wait to arrive between the Accounting and Finance midterms. Now, he is climbing walls in Madison, but and will soon be scaling walls all across Racine.
Here are the Teutings: Sarah (C0-Director of CBPM) and her husband Jon (both dressed as cowboys) with their three kids, Kate (3 years old) was a monkey, Sam (1 year old) was a dragon/dinosaur you pick, and Meg (1 year old as well) was a ladybug. Meg took my constume idea. I do have a question about the leopard piping on Sarah's chaps.
Here is another picture of the Teuting kids. I love the expression on Sam's (he's the dinosaur) face. That is the same face I gave to Sarah after she handed me back my resume the first time. It is somewhere between "you have to be kidding me" and "now what do I do."
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